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You can follow these simple steps to help your gold plated jewelry last longer:

  1. Wipe dry after moisture contact.

  2. Let skin absorb lotions before wearing.

  3. Gently clean with provided cloth to restore shine.

  4. Store in jewelry box to prevent oxidation and tangling.

  5. Avoid contact with hard surfaces and rubbing together.

  6. Keep jewelry away from chlorine and other harsh chemicals.

  7. Keep jewelry away from extreme temperatures and humidity.

How to clean your jewelry:

 1. If possible after each wear, gently wipe your jewelry with a soft cloth.

 2. Mix warm water with mild soap and let jewelry soak for 5-10 minutes.

 3. Use a cotton swab or soft toothbrush to gently remove embedded dirt.

 4. Rinse jewelry, then dry thoroughly with a lint-free cloth to restore shine.

Make cleaning a routine for long-term care. 

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